Category : Quality of Life
Subcategory : Natural cleaning agents of every day use
Records 1 to 4 from 4

  'HEALTHY CLEAN BUILDINGS’ is dedicated to the replacing of existing, conventional "TOXIC" and "HAZARDOUS" cleaning chemicals in offices, schools, homes, and public buildings; and to advise parents accordingly about our widely recognized and accredited 'KID-PROOF' "HEALTHY & SAFE" Daily Cleaning Program. This revolutionary cleaning system serves as an effective 'environmentally preferable' alternative to existing "DANGEROUS" cleaning chemicals. Additionally, this program addresses controversial indoor environmental issues such as "Sick Building Syndrome"; "I.A.Q." (Indoor Air Quality); "Multiple Chemical Sensitivities" (MCS); allergic triggers; Respiratory Ailments, such as Asthma; Dust Mite issues; Mold & Mildew conditions; and other similar indoor environmental concerns.
2. Enviro-cure Medical services :
  This is the site of Enviro-cure Medical services which contains information on indoor environmental conditions which can be the source for many, severe diseases. “It is also the link between the source and the cure”.
3. Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) by EPA :
  This is EPA’s web page on Sick Building Syndrome.
4. Sick Building Syndrome and You :
  This is the sick building syndrome page of the Presenting net, concerning this sydrome and its symptoms. This site also includes links about the sick building syndrome.
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